Friday, November 23, 2018

Limiting Ourselves from social media and gadgets to express our feelings in the real world

Facebook. Twitter, Instagram and so on. We cannot deny the fact that most of us students spend their time in using these applications. And as we grow deeper in the world of social medias we forget how real connections work. Real connections should be exercised because remember, connecting with real people means real feelings and communication. I am not saying that communication through social medias is bad but let us know our limitations.

Instead of wasting our time with these apps why not help our parents? Instead of tiring our eyes by staring at our news feed why not review our lessons? 

There is a larger world than the world of social medias, so don't let yourself get lost inside, rather use these applications in becoming more true and real to yourself and others. Remove the filters and be natural. Stop Pretending.

We must limit our usage of social medias so that we can bond with our families and we can bond with our friends. And let us use these gadgets to benefit us and others, not to discriminate and hurt them. Inspire and Motivate. Spend time with our families because they are there to support us forever.

Exercising Reading for the betterment of our future

Year 2018. Our generation lives in a world where our homes are filled with appliances, our room filled with high-tech devices, our hands full of gadgets. Sometimes we even cope up with our studies through the use technology, we picture notes, lessons and even assignments. But let us not forget how it all started. Let us not forget the classic.

Even with all of these technologies, we must not forget how to read and how to understand what we are reading. Education is very important regardless the period of time. Knowledge is a powerful weapon that can change the broken systems in our society.

We must value the power of reading for it is a very important skill that we will use when we go on with our lives, as we work, as we study, as we live.

Do not neglect education, anyone can be anything as long as we have the power of reading.