Thursday, December 6, 2018

Born to Fight, Born with a Worth

 "When we are born we are all free, those who deny that, no matter how strong they are, doesn't matter! Fight! Fight! - Eren Jaeger

All of us have the right to live, and no one deserves to be treated like animals. No one deserves to be discriminated, no one deserves to be abused. Fight! Don't just sit there and accept your situation. Stand up and Fight! Speak and Fight! Don't let others have the advantage to abuse and discriminate you. In this world, in this cruel world, we need to learn how to be independent because in the end, we are all alone.

Abuses, hatreds, discrimination. These actions need to stop, we need to build an equal world, we are already living in an intellectual era, and we should know what is right and what is wrong.

All of us are a precious gem. All of us are a treasure that no money can buy. Each and one of us has a worth.


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