Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Vision of a teacher is far, and ready to mold and guide us to our own strengths and help us overcome weaknesses.

Despite of being a terror, a boring, and even a too nice teacher, they only have one goal. It is to teach us information that will help us in facing the real world. Their vision for us is far greater than what we think, because teachers not only teach their subjects but also teach life lessons that we could apply in real life, and by sharing us knowledge and wisdom we can be ready for what's greater and more difficult after school.

We students have our different dreams that we want to accomplish, and teachers are there to help us reach that goal, attain that goal. Just like the theme said which is "Gurong Pilipino: Turo Mo, Kinabukasan Ko", teachers are teaching us to secure our future.

This teachers' day, I want you teachers to take a relaxing day off and just live this day like a normal day, because you teachers are one of the factors that could help us in molding ourselves into a better person. You are one of our heroes, and we are grateful that you teachers have the patience to teach lousy students and have the strength to finish lesson plans as well as other activities. Once again I would like to greet you a HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY, thank you for everything.

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