Saturday, October 20, 2018

We are one nation, helping each other to be equal and to build a world where we feel that we are not left out, that we are remembered.

We are living in a modern world, and our discoveries as a human being is just developing faster, but there are parts of this world which don't have the technologies that other countries already have. Because of the lack of technology, they can be missing out on the different activities that the world is conducting, and can be missing out to make their country more progressive. So instead of leaving them behind, we, who have the upper hand, should approach them so that they could be able to have communication outside their country.

We are one, the world is a vast place, but compared to the universe it's nothing but a tiny dot. So instead of pulling each other down, we should help each other to build a bright and better future, and a wider communication and relationship with each other.

 As a human living in my country, I have my rights and my dignity, and every human being shall have too because it helps them fight for their lives and to help them secure their future. We people should not waste our life because this is a gift and we must embrace every differences and individualities that any of us has. Because in the end, we are one nation and we are one people, because no matter how rich, poor, clean, bad, good, we are all humans. We commit mistakes and do bad deeds but that should not make us any cheaper. WE ARE NOT PERFECT, let us face that fact. So instead of bragging your intelligence or abilities, share it with the world, especially those less fortunate countries, because what you do can have a big impact to them.

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