Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Most Beautiful Time Of The Year

After August 30 it starts, the festive feeling of the Filipinos awakens and 4 months of celebration begins! Christmas of the Filipinos, wherein at the start of September we celebrate the holiday season, up until January. Christmas is truly meaningful to us Filipinos, it gives us the will to be with our loved ones, and to celebrate with our family.

Christmas in the Philippines is truly a big celebration, where Filipinos, in any way of living, always makes way for the celebration of Christmas. Decorating our homes and neighbourhood just to feel the happiness that Christmas will bring.

"We wish you a Merry Christmas!" As boys and girls carol through the neighbourhood and people gather for a warm dinner. We celebrate Christmas like no other. Homes filled with decorations, gifts, food and joy. People filled with happiness, that's what we are all supposed to feel when the clock strikes at twelve. Where we celebrate the birth of Christ, and just love. Just love, family is love.

Christmas is truly a gift and a blessing. For it is the time where all of us celebrate as one, and for a day, peace is among us.


Born to Fight, Born with a Worth

 "When we are born we are all free, those who deny that, no matter how strong they are, doesn't matter! Fight! Fight! - Eren Jaeger

All of us have the right to live, and no one deserves to be treated like animals. No one deserves to be discriminated, no one deserves to be abused. Fight! Don't just sit there and accept your situation. Stand up and Fight! Speak and Fight! Don't let others have the advantage to abuse and discriminate you. In this world, in this cruel world, we need to learn how to be independent because in the end, we are all alone.

Abuses, hatreds, discrimination. These actions need to stop, we need to build an equal world, we are already living in an intellectual era, and we should know what is right and what is wrong.

All of us are a precious gem. All of us are a treasure that no money can buy. Each and one of us has a worth.


Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Right Of Having Life

Everyone of us has the right to live. Everyone deserves to breathe, to have life. When getting in to a commitment like having children, we must know how to stand up for our actions and hold the responsibility that we choose. 

Having a child is a big responsibility and a big decision, we need to make sure that we are able to take care of the child and to secure the child's future. Education is very important in a child's life, because he/she can carry it on as he grow and develop through his/her journey. 

As the new and younger generation, we must limit ourselves from the temptation of having sexual intercourse with our partners because being pregnant in an early stage of your life can affect your future. However, I am not degrading those who got pregnant in a young age, because even though they are still young and lives in the same house with their parents, they did not abandon their responsibility as a parent. Shame to those who abandon their responsibilities, shame to those who killed their own children.

A child needs proper care and guidance in his early years, and it is time to stop violence against children.


Friday, November 23, 2018

Limiting Ourselves from social media and gadgets to express our feelings in the real world

Facebook. Twitter, Instagram and so on. We cannot deny the fact that most of us students spend their time in using these applications. And as we grow deeper in the world of social medias we forget how real connections work. Real connections should be exercised because remember, connecting with real people means real feelings and communication. I am not saying that communication through social medias is bad but let us know our limitations.

Instead of wasting our time with these apps why not help our parents? Instead of tiring our eyes by staring at our news feed why not review our lessons? 

There is a larger world than the world of social medias, so don't let yourself get lost inside, rather use these applications in becoming more true and real to yourself and others. Remove the filters and be natural. Stop Pretending.

We must limit our usage of social medias so that we can bond with our families and we can bond with our friends. And let us use these gadgets to benefit us and others, not to discriminate and hurt them. Inspire and Motivate. Spend time with our families because they are there to support us forever.

Exercising Reading for the betterment of our future

Year 2018. Our generation lives in a world where our homes are filled with appliances, our room filled with high-tech devices, our hands full of gadgets. Sometimes we even cope up with our studies through the use technology, we picture notes, lessons and even assignments. But let us not forget how it all started. Let us not forget the classic.

Even with all of these technologies, we must not forget how to read and how to understand what we are reading. Education is very important regardless the period of time. Knowledge is a powerful weapon that can change the broken systems in our society.

We must value the power of reading for it is a very important skill that we will use when we go on with our lives, as we work, as we study, as we live.

Do not neglect education, anyone can be anything as long as we have the power of reading.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Reflection (2nd Quarter)

The 2nd grading quarter was interesting and exciting for us New Learners, it is full of topics and lessons , as a Grade 10 student, I have discovered and learnt a lot in the past discussions and meetings. I was able to try and modify the different tags in creating an html file and to know the different types of Internet Accesses. It was a fun and challenging experience and this year gave us knowledge about how web pages were created and even to try and create our own web pages.

The Activities were easy to follow and doing the activity with my friends really motivated me to do the activity, as time goes by, many discussions have been made and I was having a fun time in memorizing the different tags that are used in an html file, but still with full dedication; I reviewed hard and gave my best to answer the given tests and the periodical exam. All of us face challenges, and it is up to us on how we can overcome it by doing what we do best; by being ourselves.

Moving on, I will do my best to improve my skills in ICT and to learn new things that I could apply in real life. I will strive hard and give my best efforts with confidence so I could give wonderful performances in the following quarters. And I would do my best to pass this subject and to make myself and my parents proud.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

We are one nation, helping each other to be equal and to build a world where we feel that we are not left out, that we are remembered.

We are living in a modern world, and our discoveries as a human being is just developing faster, but there are parts of this world which don't have the technologies that other countries already have. Because of the lack of technology, they can be missing out on the different activities that the world is conducting, and can be missing out to make their country more progressive. So instead of leaving them behind, we, who have the upper hand, should approach them so that they could be able to have communication outside their country.

We are one, the world is a vast place, but compared to the universe it's nothing but a tiny dot. So instead of pulling each other down, we should help each other to build a bright and better future, and a wider communication and relationship with each other.

 As a human living in my country, I have my rights and my dignity, and every human being shall have too because it helps them fight for their lives and to help them secure their future. We people should not waste our life because this is a gift and we must embrace every differences and individualities that any of us has. Because in the end, we are one nation and we are one people, because no matter how rich, poor, clean, bad, good, we are all humans. We commit mistakes and do bad deeds but that should not make us any cheaper. WE ARE NOT PERFECT, let us face that fact. So instead of bragging your intelligence or abilities, share it with the world, especially those less fortunate countries, because what you do can have a big impact to them.

The Vision of a teacher is far, and ready to mold and guide us to our own strengths and help us overcome weaknesses.

Despite of being a terror, a boring, and even a too nice teacher, they only have one goal. It is to teach us information that will help us in facing the real world. Their vision for us is far greater than what we think, because teachers not only teach their subjects but also teach life lessons that we could apply in real life, and by sharing us knowledge and wisdom we can be ready for what's greater and more difficult after school.

We students have our different dreams that we want to accomplish, and teachers are there to help us reach that goal, attain that goal. Just like the theme said which is "Gurong Pilipino: Turo Mo, Kinabukasan Ko", teachers are teaching us to secure our future.

This teachers' day, I want you teachers to take a relaxing day off and just live this day like a normal day, because you teachers are one of the factors that could help us in molding ourselves into a better person. You are one of our heroes, and we are grateful that you teachers have the patience to teach lousy students and have the strength to finish lesson plans as well as other activities. Once again I would like to greet you a HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY, thank you for everything.

Utilizing our potentials,with the help of technologies and letting ourselves be trained by using technology

All of us have their own specialty and abilities that only we can do, and we can utilize those abilities with the help of technologies. Technologies have been added to our lives a long time ago and we can use these man-made machines to share and use our talents.

Our potential is one important thing, also they want us to show our potentials in everything that we want to do, whatever potential in talent or ability that we have, and we can mold them in the help of technologies.

I am not gonna lie, we cannot live without technology these days, because we have it on our side for so long. And we cannot compare our ancestors because in their era, they still do not have the idea of technology and they would just hunt for food, build shelter, etc. But with the arrival of technology, we humans changed and we have these different technologies such as gadgets or appliances that we use. They have one similarity and it is to make work easier and less hassle. But we should remember that technology won't overshadow us and let all the work be done by them. We humans also need to work because once we gave up, there is a high chance that we humans will get sick easier and then become extinct.

These technologies are just our sidekicks, we can use them to make work easier but we should not forget to let ourselves work. Our talent is what matters most, for it will bring us happiness that we truly deserve and we admire.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Help of a Person becoming the help of the Nation

Since the formation of the Philippines islands millions of years ago, the location of the Philippines is said to be one of the disaster prone countries all over the world. By land, ocean, and even air, our country received so much devastating disasters and calamities. Volcanic eruption, earthquakes and typhoons are only few examples wherein The Philippines is really a disaster prone country.

Filipinos are known to be hard working and kind people, and despite the harsh and wicked disasters that Filipinos need to face, they still manage to show their brightest smiles to whomever visits the country. However, behind these smiles are hardships and full of people living in poverty, full of sickness and diseases. But because of optimism, they manage to pull every challenge and problem through. And as a Filipino, I have experienced these different kinds of disaster, however not much worse than what they suffer from. We are very lucky to be safe in times of these disasters but what about those Filipinos who suffer? They don't deserve this kind of treatment.

About the resiliency of a Filipino, we are known to help one another in times of calamities and disasters but let's be honest. Our time of rehabilitation is quite slow, however on the bright side it is slightly improving. We must continue to be kind with one another, and we should show to our fellow Filipinos that they are not alone, and that they have support right in their backs.

Yes the treatment might be slow but that won't stop us to believe that there is still a room for a brighter future for our country. With sincere action, we can pull back up all the damages, all the lost hopes, all the destruction, and the entire casualty. Restore humanity by helping one another, and achieve goodness for every Filipino.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


The 1st grading quarter was unexpectedly full of topics and lessons, as a Grade 10 student, I have discovered and learnt a lot the past discussions and meeting. I was able to know and identify the different pioneers and architects behind the "Internet" Not only that but I was able to create my own blog with my classmates and batch mates. It was a fun and challenging experience and this year gave us knowledge about how the internet was slowly created and who among the Filipinos contributed in the process of creating the internet. 

Some difficulties were founded when I was creating essays somehow my mind just turned black and could not think of any words to fill my 1st article, however with the help of my classmates; we were exchanging ideas and thoughts about that certain topic and by communicating with them my mind functioned and created what I have written and posted into this account. As time goes by, many discussions have been made and I was having a hard time in memorizing the history of the internet, but with full dedication; I reviewed hard and gave my best to answer the given test. All of us face challenges, and it is up to us on how we can overcome it by doing what we do best; by being ourselves.

Moving on, I will do my best to improve my skills in ICT. I will strive hard and give my best efforts with confidence so I could give a wonderful performances in these following quarters. And I would do my best to pass this subject and to make myself and my parents proud.

Search the Internet for the following facts and information. Write your answers in the table below.
1.            What is the context of "embedded journalist"? When was it first used? Who created the term?
2.             ____ ______ is the only pope honored by Turkey a Muslim nation. His statue stands at center of a city square of ____________.
3.            Who designed the tallest building in Hong Kong?
4.            In September 11, 2001, two commercial airplanes commandeered by terrorist crashed and destroyed the World Trade Center in New York. Is this the first time that an airplane crashed into a skyscraper in New York?
5.            __________ is the tallest building in the world. It is located in ____________. The construction started in ________ and was finished_________.
6.            What is the meaning of tundra? Why is the Bush administration so interested with exploring and exploiting the tundra?
7.            Draw in a diagram form the metamorphosis of an "urban legend"
 Search Engine        
 Search Technique
Embedded journalism, the practice of placing journalists within and under the control of one side’s military during an armed conflict. Embedded reporters and photographers are attached to a specific military unit and permitted to accompany troops into combat zones. Embedded journalism was introduced by the U.S. Department of Defense during the Iraq War (2003–11) as a strategic response to criticisms about the low level of access granted to reporters during the Persian Gulf War (1990–91) and the early years of the Afghanistan War (which began in 2001).
Pseudo-Boolean Logic
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Just off a busy main street in central Istanbul stands a towering statue of Pope Benedict, with a plaque hailing him as "the benefactor of all people, regardless of nationality or religion".
Pseudo-Boolean Logic
Architect          Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (design)
Belt Collins & Associates (landscape)
Wong & Ouyang (HK) Ltd.
Developer       Sun Hung Kai Properties
Structural engineer     Arup
Main contractor           Sanfield Building Contractors Limited
Pseudo-Boolean Logic
The 1993 World Trade Center   bombing was a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, carried out on February 26, 1993, killing tens of thousands of people. So the answer is NO.
Pseudo-Boolean Logic
The Burj Khalifa (Arabic: ŲØŲ±Ų¬ Ų®Ł„ŁŠŁŲ©‎, Arabic for "Khalifa Tower"; pronounced English: /ĖˆbɜĖrdŹ’ kəĖˆliĖfə/), known as the Burj Dubai before its inauguration in 2010, is a skyscraper in DubaiUnited Arab Emirates. With a total height of 829.8 m (2,722 ft) and a roof height (excluding antenna) of 828 m (2,717 ft), the Burj Khalifa has been the tallest structure in the world since its topping out in late 2008.
Pseudo-Boolean Logic
Tundra is a vast, flat, treeless Arctic region of Europe, Asia, and North America in which the subsoil is permanently frozen. Bush administration so interested with exploring and exploiting the tundra because their administration is looking for oil resources.
Google Phrase Searching

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Scavenger Hunt

VALUE: Sources/Author/Date Published/Sponsor/Copyright
Search Engine
Search Technique
1. Sometime in 1991, a chief scientist at the NIIT, named, started an experiment hole in a wall.
New Delhi physicist Sugata Mitra has a radical proposal for bringing his country's next generation into the Info Age
Businessweek Online Daily Briefing,
March 2, 2000.
Edited by Paul Judge
Phrase searching

2. What does NIIT stands for?
National Institute of Information Technology.
Vijay Thadani and Rajendra Pawar, the founders and IIT Delhi grads actually intended it as New Delhi IIT (NIIT) but not formally.
Phrase Searching
3. It was implemented at a slum area in New Delhi.
Kalkaji, New Delhi
Hole in the wall education Ltd.
Pseudo-Boolean Logic
4. His team carved a hole in the wall that separated NIIT campuses from slum areas. Why did they carve hole in the wall?
Dr. Sugata Mitra’s team
Hole in the wall education Ltd.
Phrase Searching
5. What was the significant finding of the experiment?
The results, which have been uniformly encouraging, show that children learn to operate as well as play with the computer with minimum intervention. They picked up skills and tasks by constructing their own learning environment
Hole in the wall education Ltd.
Pseudo Boolean Searching
6. What could be the implications of this finding to existing teaching practices especially those that are related with the use of ICT in learning?
An effective assessment task is one which assesses students' attainment of the learning outcomes. Unit learning outcomes are what students are expected to know, understand or be able to do in order to be successful in a unit.
Macquarie University
Phrase Searchin

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Filipino ating palaguin, Pilipinas ating paunlarin

Ang paggamit ng sariling wika ay isang sinyales na sila ay makabayan. Dahil ang paggamit nito ay may mahalagang papel sa pag-unlad ng isang bansa, ngunit dahil tayo ay tumitira sa modernong mundo, marami na tayong inangkop na mga salita at kultura. Isa rin sa mga dahilan kung bakit maraming inangkop na mga tradisyon at salita ang Pilipinas ay dahil sa malawakang kasaysayan nito. Sapagkat ang Pilipinas ay nasakop ng iba't ibang bansa tulad ng Amerika. Sa paglipas ng maraming taon, ang mga tradisyon na ating naangkop sa ating mga mananakop ay ating pinagpatuloy hanggang sa tayo ay masanay, Ngunit dapat tayo ay gumawa na ng pagbabago at tangkilikin ang sariling atin. Sa taong ito, ang tema ng  buwan ng wika ay "Filipino: Wika ng Saliksik".

Sa palagay ko, ang wika ng saliksik ay ang mas madalas na paggamit ng ating wika sa mga gawain tulad ng mga ulat, at pagsusulat ng mga takdang aralin. Ayon sa tema, hinihikayat tayong mga Pilipino na gamitin at palawakin ang kuhulugan ng ating wika. Huwag nating hayaan na mabalewala ang lahat ng pinaghirapan ng ating mga ninuno sa pamamagitan ng pagbabalewala ng ating wika. Palalimin natin ang ating pagkakaunawa at pagkakaintindi patungkol sa paksang ito. Ang pagigiging makabayan ay mahalaga, sapagkat ipinapakita natin ang ating pagmamahal sa ating bansa at sa ating sariling atin. Sa paglipas ng taon, aking naoobserbahan na ang madalas na ginagamit nating salita ay pinaghalong Filipino(Tagalog) at Ingles at tinawag itong "taglish." Nais ko lang linawin na hidni isang krimen ang pagsasalita nito, ngunit dapat nating pag-aralan ng mas mabuti ang ating wika, dahil ang ating wika ay isa sa mga nagpapakilala sa ating mga Pilipino. Bigyan natin ng oras ang pagpapalawak ng ating pagkilala sa ating wika. 

Gawin natin ang wikang Filipino bilang ating pangunahin wika, tayo ay magtulungan upang hindi ito mawala sa ating mga Pilipino. Patibayin natin ang ating paggamit ng wikang Filipino, at huwag nating ikahiyang gamitin ito, sapagkat dumaan sa maraming paghihirap at digmaan ang ating mga ninuno upang magkaroon lamang tayo ng ating sariling wika at isang malayang bansang titirhan ng bawat Pilipino. Paunlarin natin ang sariling atin, upang maibalik antin ang ating titulo na isa sa mga mayayamang bansa sa Asya. Isipin, kumilos, umaksyon, para sa mas maunlad na Nasyon.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Talk of the President

"Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives". This is one of the statements that our President Rodrigo Duterte said on the State of the Nation Address 2018. The Filipinos or at least I saw the great potential of our dearest President. According to the media, the plans and implementations of the government, much more on the Duterte administrations are surprisingly drastic. The continuous actions of our President can lead to the betterment of our country.

President Rodrigo Duterte is already inside the world of politics for a long time, and by gaining this data, I can safely say that he have an advantage in giving all the Filipinos a great and comfortable life. And this statement was stated by the President himself. Philippines, the country which was declared as one of the richest country in Asia but after a few years it was kicked out. This term is giving me hope that our country can regain its poison, its title as one of the richest country in Asia.

Everyday, we feel hatred. Every day when we wake up, we know that corruption is just in the corner. But this time, all of my doubts can be wiped away, the day our country which is the Philippines gain a step towards the retrieving of the old power of the Philippines. "Change is Coming"(President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, 2016)

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Promoting the safeness of fruits and vegetables by planting in our own properties

In our society today, all kinds of food can be easily found and bought at supermarkets, malls, public markets, fast food chains and many more. And because we are living in a modernized world, our food is being processed and turned into processed foods. Liability and approval. We need these things in order for us to know what we should pick, buy and eat. For eating products with approval of the professionals and experts, we can say that the foods that we are eating are safely done and healthy. Eating healthy must be one of the top priorities of an individual, we must take care both our external and internal care.

The average lifespan of a man is drastically decreasing and is currently between 60 to 70 years of age. As the theme states "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat Na Nutrisyon Aanihin": it means that we need to practice ourselves in planting vegetables in our backyard in order to safeguard the food that we eat every single day, and to make sure that what we consume are healthy for our body. Life is beautiful, if we see it in positively and life is ugly, if we see it in negatively. By eating healthy food, we can look at the brighter side and live happily. Remember to always safeguard yourselves and the food that we eat, for your own self is the best thing that you have in this world. Don't let yourselves be fall in the world of junk food, be strong to avoid temptations and to control yourself for it is for the betterment of your health.

Start living a healthy life by planting in our backyard, and by safeguarding all the food that we eat every day. Have a proper diet exercise and be optimistic in what the future might be if you continue to live  healthy and happy. A healthy lifestyle is equivalent to a healthy life.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Letter to the President

July 10, 2018

President Rodrigo Duterte
MalacaƱang Palace Compound
JP Laurel Street, San Miguel, Manila

Mr. President:

A delightful day Mr. President. I am Clifford Xeon Lopena, a grade 10 student from Ilocos Sur National High School. I belong to the Special Mathematics Class and the current President of our section. I would like to hand in this letter regarding the banning of bystanders nationwide.

I have nothing against this act and I see it as a first step towards the progress of the economic rate and the cleanliness rate of our country. Because of this Act, bystanders would have action and start to make a living. Allowing them to provide his/her family's primary needs, education fees and shelter fees. As they work and earn a regular salary they would lesser depend on the government.

This letter is to give my gratitude to you, Mr. President. For implementing acts and giving efforts for the betterment of our country.

Sincerely yours,

Clifford Xeon Lopena

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Philippines, Pilipinas.

The greatest treasures that we can have is our freedom, for having freedom means being independent,and being able to stand alone. June 22, 1898: battle against Spaniards ended, and freedom of the Filipinos were attained. All the lives lost, hardships, and enslavement that happened were worth it. For our freedom. For the Filipinos and for our future.

In our modernized world today, all the different technologies that were added/created have a big impact in our society today. Everyone of us can communicate faster, travel faster. And many Filipinos are one of the nationalities who are using technologies. And by using these so-called "gadgets" are a major help in the way we are living today. By using gadgets we can spread our love to our country by posting on social medias. Although social medias should not be the end in showing our nationalism. We must have action and words to spread our love and to treasure our country.

We are celebrating independence in order to show our gratitude to our Philippine heroes. Who fought for the country until the end of the Spanish colonization. We should protect our country and we Filipinos should help each other for we are an independent country. One for all and all for one.